Providing the highest quality services to our clients 

Our Services & Prices

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Complete Autopsy

A complete autopsy entails examination of the entire body such as cervical, thoracic, organs in the abdomen and the urogenital system.

Partial Autopsy

A limited autopsy is restricted to one system such as heart & lungs when we suspect a Cardio-Vascular Disease as a cause of death.

Brain Autopsy

Brain Autopsy

Brain autopsy entails removal, preservation, and complete lab exam by a senior on-site neuropathologist


Mesothelioma workup entails a complete exam of the body and multiple biopsies of the tumor.


Detection and interpretation of the presence of drugs and other potentially toxic compounds in bodily tissues and fluids.

Deceased Transport

Coordinate transport for your loved one with our local partners. Exact pricing will depend on your service area.

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Scan the QR code on the side with your cell phone camera, or, to call for additional PayPal payment options.